Seelie Court / Cloonlyon Drive
What was involved?
This 18 unit, medium density housing development on the bank of a tributary of the Otara Creek, Flatbush is an attractive mix of duplex and terrace housing that had to achieve affordable housing criteria of the Unitary Plan. CLC’s planning were involved early forecasting yield and preparing some preliminary typologies ahead of and civil engineering teams worked with designers to manage amenity issues, traffic and access, new wastewater and stormwater lines, stormwater discharge outlet and retention and earthworks management. The interfaces of the development with two Council reserves required detail finished ground level management in the design process as did manging gradients for access areas and the stepping of building platforms down the slope. The consenting phase dealt with housing yield, landscaping and urban design, coverages, built height and height in relation to boundary infringements under the Precinct controls. Council reserve staff initially wanted to treat the drainage reserve frontage the same way as the community park on the site’s northern boundary. Through consultation CLC’s planning team explained the site constraint issues and the differing purpose of the two reserve areas, such that Council expectations evolved to a more reasonable position and a non-notified consent processing was achieved.