Resource Management
CLC Consulting Group Ltd cater for all clients regardless of size, experience or background. Our current client base includes:
Private land owners
Large corporate businesses
Land development services/ feasibility study
Resource management services
Resource consenting services
Project management & coordination of specialist inputs
Consultation - stakeholder management
Community engagement
Iwi consultation
Preparing submissions on plan changes, district plans & resource consents
Research & analysis
With any land development projects there are no two properties that are the same, there are both physical and non-physical attributes which influence how and if a property can be developed or the proposed activity approved. It is essential that the land development requirements and constraints for a property are disclosed at the earliest possible opportunity.
This enables developers and business owners to make informed decisions about the viability of developing a property.
Resource Consents
A Resource Consent is a formal approval from Council for such things such as the use or subdivision of land, the taking of water, the discharge of contaminants in water, soil or air, or the use or occupation of coastal space. It is not just new buildings that may require resource consent, a new use of an existing building may also require resource consent. CLC deals with both regional and district consents. Regional consents focus on the management of our air, water, land and soil whereas district consents focus on managing subdivision and land use.
Who To Contact
Hamish Hey
RM Planning Manager
T: +64 9 576 1978
Our Experience and Expertise
Through our experience in dealing with strategic and integrated land use planning and resource management issues we provide our customers with the benefits of our extensive local knowledge and experience with land development. We have extensive understanding of local government processes and long-established relationships with planning and engineering staff at Auckland Council. We have a robust understanding of resource consent procedures and Council rules and policies; this is particularly of benefit at the early stages of project planning.
We are dedicated to robust project partnerships, teamwork and open communication.
Our areas of particular expertise include:
- Resource management and planning advice
- Strategic planning
- Feasibility studies and project scoping
- Regional and District Plan resource consent application
- Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE)
- Change of use resource consent applications
- Subdivision resource consent applications
- Consultation and community engagement
Our Process
- Initial preparations and assessment
- Fee estimate and overall feasibility
- Confirm consent requirements
- Preliminary design (may include a topographical survey and scheme plan)
- Attend a pre application meeting with Council if necessary.
- Prepare assessment of environmental effects and assessment against statutory requirements.
- Seek any specialist reports that may be required (such as a geotechnical engineer or arborist).
- Confirm plans/ drawings to support application.
- Seek written approval from affected parties (if required)
- Apply for resource consent (generally a processing time of 20 working days if not publicly notified).
- Comply with any s92 information requests from Council.
- Resource consent received and consent conditions reviewed.